Collect once, use anywhere & anytime

Researchers can easily enter information on their research using easy-to-use forms and various research databases such as WoS™, Scopus™, PubMed™, etc. Avesis™ automatically detects double records to prevent data repetition, so institutional decision-makers always get the latest information about their departments or faculties.

Institutional Research Portal

Show your institution's potential

Avesis can group your institution’s research output over various dimensions and provides insights to visitors such as candidate students or researchers.
Personal achievements

Track personal progress over the years

Researchers build up their academic CVs and track their progress over the years. Avesis synchronizes individual publication citations without hassle using the institution’s subscriptions.
Data sources

Building a cv is easy as 1,2,3

With 6 publication database integrations (and counting), researchers can prepare academic CVs easy and fast.

Get department or faculty-wise insights to plan and shape strategies

Examine live statistics and raw data to see the facts and plan for the future. Know your organization deeply, and discover strengths and weaknesses.

Copyright © 2024 ABİS TEKNOLOJİ

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